Hi, I’m NAME

Title. Title. Title.

Offer an introduction and pick 2-3 titles that encompass who you are and what you do. These titles can come from your Brand Breakthrough Guide where we defined “who you are”, and “what you do”.

Here is a brief value statement.

Share your “why” or mission with your audience, along with how you’re going to help them.   (Recommended Length: 3-4 sentences)   

💡Soulful Tips     

Do: Address your target audience to make them feel deeply seen.

Don’t: Make this section too much about yourself, you’re building an intimate connection with your audience first before you dive into your story.

[My Story]

Create an engaging narrative with a beginning (early journey), middle (transition or pivot point) and end (current work).
(Recommended Length: 2–3 paragraphs)   

💡Soulful Tips     


  • Sprinkle “aha moments” throughout that help your audience connect the dots to how you ended up in your line of work.

  • Focus on the key details of your story that really matter in relation to your business.


  • Make it a dry, formulaic bio or laundry list of accomplishments.

  • Write one very long paragraph. Break it up with subheads for better readability.

[My Credentials]

  • Consider including your education or training

  • Certifications or credentials?

  • Numbers or stats can also shine!

  • Don’t overwhelm your audience with too many stats – less is more.  

Include a few quick achievements that may not fit as bullets.

These can be awards to establish your authority and legitimize your business.

Book Title

Book Tag

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